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Auf einer Vielzahl von Instrumenten wie Gitarre, Geige, Banjo, Pedal Steel Guitar und Fussbass kreiert Titus Waldenfels eine musikalische Welt, die vertraut klingt, Blues, Swing, Country und vieles andere beinhaltet, aber gleichzeitig Grenzen überschreitet, neugierig macht und von unwiederholbaren Momenten lebt.
Kein Ton zuviel, jedes Solo hat die Dichte einer Komposition. Dennoch Improvisation und Erfassen des Moments als Grundlage alles Spielens. Virtuos in der Ausführung, nachvollziehbar beim Anhören, mit hohem Anspruch sehr unterhaltsam – Lieder, die alle kennen, in einem Rahmen aus swingender Musik aus einer fast vergangenen Zeit.
Titus Waldenfels, born and raised in Munich, Germany has been a professional freelance musician for more than 25 years. He has played in many European countries such as France, England, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria and fused into the vivid music scenes of Vienna as well as Hamburg and Berlin, worked with German Krautrock pioneers Embryo and members of Amon Düül, immersed himself in the Swing Jazz of great gipsy musicians everpresent in his country and has spent months in Texas, USA, playing with a wide range of local musicians. He has developed his own style of Jazz oriented, Blues based music, reworking influences of Country, Tex-Mex and Ska. Titus Waldenfels plays guitar, violin, banjo, mandolin and pedal steel guitar, sometimes providing his own rhythm by playing a one-string bass with his feet simultaneously.

Acoustic & Electric Guitar, Violin (Fiddle), Viola, Stroh Violin, Mandolin, Pedal Steel Guitar, Lap Steel, Dobro, 5string-, Tenor- & Plectrum Banjo, Bajo Sexto, Electric Bass, Foot Bass
Jazz, Western Swing, Dixieland, Country, Blues, Rock’n Roll, World Music, Bavarian, Rock, Folk, Cajun / Zydeco, Singer-Songwriter, Chanson
Live, Recording, Composition, Theater Music, Organizing